I’m fascinated about the effective use of sensors to support asset management and have worked with a broad range of clients, translating their data requirements into physical on site monitoring systems. Understanding the exact needs of the asset manager and the restrictions and limitation of the site, is vital when designing a fit for purpose solution.
The monitoring landscape is changing. It was previously complicated, specialist and rarely used as it was cost prohibitive, whereas it is now far more accessible for a broad range of applications. With low cost IoT sensors adding an ever-increasing range of options, we can now measure and monitor pretty much anything from anywhere. Whilst this increases our options for monitoring, it’s necessary to follow a rigorous design process to ensure the monitoring system delivers the right data to the right people at the right time.. and does this reliably. Particularly for safety critical event detection.
Of course benefits are not limited to simply knowing what’s happening with a particular asset. Effective I&M can also deliver huge gains for the Health and Safety, Carbon reduction, Maintenance planning, Public engagement and Failure/event detection.
Please get in touch if have a site that you’d like to discuss.